
Visual Toolkit

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Font Family - Roboto


Visual Toolkit


Online Safety

All staff and volunteers

All staff and volunteers are responsible for:

  • Maintaining the online safety policy
  • Implementing the policy consistently
  • Agreeing and adhering to the terms on acceptable use of the school’s ICT systems and the internet and ensuring that pupils follow the school’s terms on acceptable use
  • Working with the DSL to ensure that any online safety incidents are logged and dealt with appropriately in line with this policy
  • Ensuring that any incidents of cyber-bullying are dealt with appropriately in line with the school behaviour policy

Acceptable use of the internet in school

All pupils, parents, staff, volunteers and governors are expected to sign an agreement regarding the acceptable use of the school’s ICT systems and the internet. Visitors will be expected to read and agree to the school’s terms on acceptable use if relevant.

Use of the school’s internet must be for educational purposes only, or for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of an individual’s role.

We will monitor the websites visited by pupils, staff, volunteers, governors and visitors (where relevant) to ensure they comply with the above.

Useful information for students

At St Hugh’s, everyone is expected to keep to the following rules for using the Internet:

I agree to do the following things:

  • I will keep my password to myself.
  • I will not look for inappropriate sites when using the Internet.
  • I understand that websites I look at will be looked at by staff.
  • I will not use the Internet or mobile phones to be nasty to people.
  • I will keep my personal details to myself and won’t pretend to be someone else.
  • If I see something that upsets me, I will turn off the screen and tell an adult.
  • I will not talk to strangers on the computer.
  • If I get a nasty message, I will keep it and tell a member of staff or a parent or carer.

Useful information for parents 


Our school aims to: 

  • Have robust processes in place to ensure the online safety of pupils, staff, volunteers and governors
  • Deliver an effective approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and educate the whole school community in its use of technology
  • Establish clear mechanisms to identify, intervene and provide support to ensure staff and students are following an acceptable use of technology.

If parents have any queries or concerns in relation to online safety, these should be raised in the first instance with the headteacher and/or the DSL.