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Visual Toolkit


Careers Information for Parents

As your child approaches the important milestone of leaving school at 16, it’s natural to have questions and concerns about their future. It can feel like a very uncertain time for all, but with the right preparation, quality discussions and determination, you can really help your child to create a happy and bright future. This guide aims to provide you with an overview of the various options available for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We will explore the opportunities and points to consider regarding: going to college; entering the workforce directly; pursuing an apprenticeship and other future alternatives. It’s crucial to remember that every student is unique, so finding the right path depends on your child’s strengths, interests, and aspirations. Let’s explore the possibilities together!

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in careers education at St. Hugh’s is always encouraged. Parents are kept up-to-date with careers work through letters, school magazines, options evenings, information evenings, parents’ evenings and through the Annual Review (EHCP) process.

All learners will take part in a Careers Education Programme in Year 7 – 11 (view here) that helps them to:

  • Understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities.
  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression.

To help us improve the careers programme for your child please could you complete a short survey about your experiences with careers education at St. Hugh’s by clicking the ‘Parents Feedback’ button below. It is important to gain the views of all parents, including those in lower year groups. Thank you.